Why The Surface Pros of Augusta, GA?

Our team of dependable exterior painting professionals will tackle your list of painting projects. They know how to do the job right with years of experience painting a wide variety of surfaces and materials, including: stucco, wood, vinyl or aluminum siding, brick, cedar shingles, and garage doors. We offer painting, staining, and resurfacing of your home or business exterior surfaces. Our price includes minor repairs, nailing down exposed nails, and masking to insure your home is protected throughout the process.

Love that curb appeal

Whether you’d like to update your home’s traditional exterior or you’re hoping to present a more modern curb appeal, our team approaches every exterior painting project with detailed knowledge.

  • We respect your schedule by arriving on time and completing our work efficiently and neatly.
  • We provide you with daily updates the way you want them: via text, email, phone, or in person.
  • We treat your property as if it were our own, following a process that ensures a beautiful, professional result that you’ll love.

Keep your home exterior looking fresh with the help of our expert craftsmen. Not only will you have renewed pride in your home, but it will also increase its selling power.